Sunday, April 28, 2019

सावधान.... कंही आप भी बेवकूफ तो नही बन रहे

क्या आप भी अपने चहिते सुपर स्टार का विज्ञापन देख के निवेश करतें है या समान खरीदते है…. तो हो जाइये सावधान… क्योंकि सायद ये सुपरस्टार भी कंपनियों का बैकग्राउंड चेक नही करते और आप की जीवन भर की कमाई दांव पे लगाने का भरोसा दिलाते हैं…

हाल ही मे भारतीय टीम के पूर्व कप्तान महेंद्र सिंह धोनी  ने रियल इस्टेट कंपनी आम्रपाली ग्रुप के खिलाफ सुप्रीम कोर्ट का दरवाजा खटखटाया है जिसके वो ब्रांड अम्बेसडर रह चुके है..
जानकारी के मुताबिक धोनी आम्रपाली ग्रुप द्वारा उन्हें पेंटहाउस न दिए जाने और कंपनी द्वारा उनका नाम देनदारों की सूची में शामिल करने को लेकर कोर्ट पहुंचे हैं.

महेंद्र सिंह धोनी ने अपनी याचिका में लिखा है कि उन्होंने रांची में अम्रपाली सफारी में एक पेंटहाउस बुक किया था। साथ ही उन्होंने कहा है कि समूह के प्रबंधन ने उन्हें अपना ब्रांड एम्बेसडर भी बनाया था, लेकिन कंपनी ने उन्हें धोखा दिया है. ब्रांड एम्बेसडर के तौर पर जो बकाया राशि थी, उसका भी भुगतान नहीं किया है.

तो सवाल ये उठता है कि क्या इन सुपरस्टार की ये नैतिक जिम्मेदारी नही बनती की वो विज्ञापन करने से पहले कंपनी का बैकग्राउंड चेक करें….??

देखिये ये वीडियो….

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

8 Ways to Avoid Processed Food

1.Read the ingredients label before buying anything.

For years, if I even looked at food labels, I was reviewing items such as fat grams, calorie count and sugar content. While this may be important to some, the best indicator of how highly processed a food is can actually be found in the list of ingredients. If what you are buying contains more than 5 ingredients and includes a lot of unfamiliar, unpronounceable items you should reconsider before buying.

2.Increase your consumption of whole foods,

Especially vegetables and fruits. I am sure you’ve heard similar advice a thousand times, and I hate to tell you it is true. This will help to displace the processed foods in your diet, and will actually make your food selections in general very simple. No more counting calories, fat grams, or carbs when your only concern is selecting whole foods that are, as more the product of nature than “the product of industry.”*

3.Buy your bread from a local bakery.
I actually used to eat white bread, but what I bought for my husband from the grocery store was what I thought was whole-wheat bread. When we finally checked the ingredients and found 40 different items on the list, including white flour and sugar, we decided it was time for a change. Why would there be so many on the list if it only takes a handful of ingredients (like whole-wheat flour, water, yeast, and salt) to make bread?

4.In addition to your bread choice, when selecting foods like pastas, cereals, rice, and crackers always go for the whole-grain option. And don’t just believe the health claims on the outside of the box.  Read the ingredient label to make sure the product is truly made with only 100% whole grains – not a combination of whole grains and refined grains which is unfortunately how a lot of so-called “whole grain” products are made. The white flour or other refined grain alternative is simply high in calories and low in nutrition, which reminds me a little too much of sugar.

5.Avoid store-bought products containing high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and those “that have some form of sugar (or sweetener) listed among the top three ingredients.”* Despite the mixed research on if HFCS is really worse for you than good ol’ white sugar, it just happens to be “a reliable marker for a food product that has been highly processed”.

6.Don’t order off the kids’ menu.

The next time your family is out to dinner avoid the kids’ menu. Those selections are most often things like pre-made chicken nuggets, deep-fried French fries, pasta made with white flour, and so on. Instead try assembling some sort of side item plate with a baked potato and whatever vegetables your kid will eat and/or try sharing some of your meal.

7.Visit your local farmers’ market the next time you need to restock your fridge.
Not only will you find “food that is in season, which is usually when it is most nutritious”*, but you will also find a selection of pesticide-free produce and properly fed meat products. It is also better for our environment to purchase locally grown products as opposed to supermarket produce, which on average travels 1500 miles from the farm to your plate.

8.Lastly, “eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself.”

If you had to peel, chop and deep fry potatoes every time you wanted French fries then you might not eat them very often. Only eating “junk food” such as cakes, sweets, and fried foods as often as you are willing to make them yourself will automatically reduce your consumption.

Credit :

Saturday, April 20, 2019

राहुल गांधी की नागरिकता पर उठा सवाल, 22 अप्रैल तक चुनाव आयोग ने मांगा जवाब

अमेठी: लोकसभा चुनाव में उत्तर प्रदेश की अमेठी और केरल की वायनाड सीटों से प्रत्याशी कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष राहुल गांधी की नागरिकता पर सवाल उठा है. अमेठी से निर्दलीय चुनाव लड़ रहे ध्रुवलाल के वकील रवि प्रकाश ने निर्वाचन अधिकारी के समक्ष राहुल की नागरिकता को लेकर सवाल उठाया है. उन्होंने निर्वाचन अधिकारी से शिकायत की है कि राहुल गांधी ने ब्रिटिश नागरिकता ली थी इसलिए उनका नामांकन रद्द किया जाए.

रवि प्रकाश ने ब्रिटेन में पंजीकृत एक कंपनी के कागजात के आधार पर यह दावा किया है. राहुल गांधी के वकील राहुल कौशिक ने शिकायत में व्यक्त आपत्तियों पर जवाब के लिए समय मांगा. निर्वाचन अधिकारी ने 22 अप्रैल सोमवार सुबह साढे दस बजे का समय तय किया है.

इस बीच कांग्रेस के जिलाध्यक्ष योगेन्द्र मिश्रा ने शनिवार को कहा, 'जो भी आपत्तियां दाखिल की गयी हैं, उनका निर्धारित तारीख पर कानूनी रूप से जवाब दिया जाएगा.' उल्लेखनीय है कि इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट की लखनऊ पीठ ने कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष राहुल गांधी की नागरिकता को लेकर याचिका दायर करने वाले से शुक्रवार को कहा कि वह अपनी शिकायत उठाने के लिए केन्द्र सरकार की सक्षम प्राधिकार से संपर्क करें.

न्यायमूर्ति डी के अरोडा और न्यायमूर्ति मनीष माथुर की पीठ ने आर के सिंह की याचिका पर उक्त निर्देश दिया. पीठ ने एक दिसंबर 2015 के आदेश को भी संज्ञान में रखा, जिसमें निर्देश दिया गया था कि याचिकाकर्ता यह मुददा उठाने के लिए केन्द्र सरकार से संपर्क करे. याचिका में आरोप है कि एक मामले में राहुल गांधी ने ब्रिटेन में आयकर रिटर्न दाखिल किया है और खुद को ब्रिटेन का नागरिक दर्शाया है.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Benefits of Drinking enough Water

Our bodies are around 60% water, give or take. It is commonly recommended to drink eight glasses of water per day. Although there is little science behind this specific rule, staying hydrated is important.

Here are 7 evidence-based health benefits of drinking plenty of water.

1. Water Helps to Maximize Physical Performance

If we do not stay hydrated, physical performance can suffer.This is particularly important during intense exercise or high heat.

Dehydration can have a noticeable effect if you lose as little as 2% of your body's water content. However, it is not uncommon for athletes to lose up to 6-10% of their water weight via sweat. This can lead to altered body temperature control, reduced motivation, increased fatigue and make exercise feel much more difficult, both physically and mentally.

Optimal hydration has been shown to prevent this from happening, and may even reduce the oxidative stress that occurs during high intensity exercise. This is not surprising when you consider that muscle is about 80% water.
So, if you exercise intensely and tend to sweat, then staying hydrated can help you perform at your absolute best.

2. Hydration Has a Major Effect on Energy Levels and Brain Function

Your brain is strongly influenced by hydration status. Studies show that even mild dehydration (1-3% of body weight) can impair many aspects of brain function.
In a study of young women, fluid loss of 1.36% after exercise impaired both mood and concentration, and increased the frequency of headaches.
Another similar study, this time in young men, showed that fluid loss of 1.59% was detrimental to working memory and increased feelings of anxiety and fatigue.
A 1-3% fluid loss equals about 1.5-4.5 lbs (0.5-2 kg) of body weight loss for a 150 lbs (68 kg) person. This can easily occur through normal daily activities, let alone during exercise or high heat.
Many other studies, ranging from children to the elderly, have shown that mild dehydration can impair mood, memory and brain performance.

Mild dehydration (fluid loss of 1-3%) can impair energy levels and mood, and lead to major reductions in memory and brain performance.

3. Drinking Water May Help to Prevent and Treat Headaches

Dehydration can trigger headaches and migraines in some individuals. Several studies have shown that water can relieve headaches in those who are dehydrated.

However, this appears to depend on the type of headache.
One study of 18 people found that water had no effect on the frequency of headaches, but did reduce the intensity and duration somewhat.

Drinking water can sometimes help relieve headache symptoms, especially in people who are dehydrated.

4. Drinking More Water May Help Relieve Constipation

Constipation is a common problem, characterized by infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stool. Increasing fluid intake is often recommended as a part of the treatment protocol, and there is some evidence to back this up. 

Low water consumption appears to be a risk factor for constipation in both young and elderly individuals.
Carbonated water shows particularly promising results for constipation relief, although the reason is not entirely understood.

5. Drinking Water May Help Treat Kidney Stones

Urinary stones are painful clumps of mineral crystal that form in the urinary system.
The most common form is kidney stones, which form in the kidneys.
There is limited evidence that water intake can help prevent recurrence in people who have previously gotten kidney stones.

Higher fluid intake increases the volume of urine passing through the kidneys, which dilutes the concentration of minerals, so they are less likely to crystallize and form clumps.

Water may also help prevent the initial formation of stones, but studies are required to confirm this.

6. Water Helps Prevent Hangovers

A hangover refers to the unpleasant symptoms experienced after drinking alcohol. Alcohol is a diuretic, so it makes you lose more water than you take in. This can lead to dehydration.

Although dehydration is not the main cause of hangovers, it can cause symptoms like thirst, fatigue, headache and dry mouth.

A good way to reduce hangovers is to drink a glass of water between drinks, and to have at least one big glass of water before going to bed.

7. Drinking More Water Can Help with Weight Loss

Drinking plenty of water can help you lose weight. This is due to the fact that water can increase satiety and boost your metabolic rate.

In two studies, drinking half a litter of water was shown to increase metabolism by 24-30% for up to 1.5 hours.

This means that drinking 2 litters of water every day can increase your total energy expenditure by up to 96 calories per day. The timing is important too, and drinking water half an hour before meals is the most effective. It can make you feel fuller, so that you eat fewer calories.

In one study, dieters who drank half a litter of water before meals lost 44% more weight, over a period of 12 weeks. It is actually best to drink water cold, because then the body will use additional energy (calories) to heat the water to body temperature.

Credit :

Ten updates you will find in ITR forms for AY 2019-20

The income-tax department has notified new income-tax return (ITR) forms for assessment year (AY) 2019-20. Like the previous year, there are seven ITR forms this year too. In fact, ITR-1 and ITR-4 for AY 2019-20 are already available on the income- tax department’s e-filing portal. Other ITR forms are expected to be made available shortly.

The department updates ITR forms and notifies new ones every year. Usually, the new forms reflect the changes made in tax provisions, in accordance to the previous finance bill. Here are 10 heads under which changes have been introduced for AY2018-19.

Applicability of Forms

An individual having total income of up to ₹50 lakh from sources such as salary, one house property, other sources (interest income) and agricultural income up to ₹5,000 can file the return in ITR-1. However, “it cannot be used anymore by an individual who is the director of a company or has investments in unlisted equity shares or has income on which TDS (tax deducted at source) has been deducted in another person’s hands", said Shailesh Kumar, director, Nangia Advisors Llp (Andersen Global), a chartered accountancy firm.

Also, ITR-4 is applicable to individuals, Hindu Undivided Families and firms (other than limited liability partnerships) having total income of up to ₹50 lakh, and assessees who choose to file their ITR under the presumptive taxation scheme. However, “it cannot be used by individuals or HUFs who are not resident and ordinarily residents, non-resident partnership firms, directors of companies or persons having investment in unlisted equity shares or having more than one house property and so on", added Kumar.

Contact details

If you are supposed to file your returns in ITR-1 form, remember it is mandatory to mention the Indian address and mobile number. “The intent appears to be to enable hassle-free communication with the tax department. But whether this will be mandated in other forms will be known once the instructions are released," said Tapati Ghose, partner, Deloitte India.

Salary components

Apart from your salary, you also need to disclose other component of your package. “Standard deduction from salary was introduced from 1 April 2018. The respective changes have been made in ITR forms," said Sandeep Sehgal, director, tax and regulatory, Ashok Maheshwary & Associates Llp, a chartered accountancy firm.

Besides, “salaried employees have to report the value of perquisites, profit in lieu of salary, exempt allowances and also deductions for entertainment allowance, professional tax and standard deduction separately. The requirement is mainly to sync in details mentioned in the Form 16," said Ghose.

In the recent past, a mismatch between Form 16 and ITR resulted in queries from the Centralised Processing Centre (CPC). Additional care is required to ensure any mismatches are well analysed to ensure that questions raised by the tax office can be responded to effortlessly, added Ghose.

House Income

Until now, if you had more than one self-occupied house, you could only consider one as self-occupied, while all others were considered as “deemed to be let out" and you needed to pay tax on the potential rent of such property.

Budget 2019 relaxed this provision. From this fiscal, you can consider two properties as self-occupied. While relaxation in the rule will come into force from the next AY, the required changes have already been made in the new ITR form. “A new option to select “deemed let out" is provided in ITR-1 and ITR-4. Also, the PAN (Permanent Account Number) of the tenant has to be provided in ITR-2 in case TDS is deducted by the tenant," said Ghose.

Capital gains

According to income-tax rules, a property buyer has to deduct TDS at the rate of 1% if the value of the property exceeds ₹50 lakh. An amendment has been made in the ITR form to disclose such information by the seller. “Disclosure of the buyer’s information is mandatory if tax is deducted or PAN is quoted by the buyer in documents. The mandatory disclosure includes the name and PAN of the buyer, the percentage share, the amount and the property address," said Ghose.

Also, “since long-term capital gains on listed equity shares and equity-oriented funds are taxable from 1 April 2018, the respective changes have been made in the ITR forms", said Sehgal.

Other income sources

If you have earned interest income, which is categorized under the income-tax head “other sources", you will have to provide detailed information of such sources.

“Separate disclosures have been made mandatory for interest income from bank savings account, fixed deposits and income-tax refund, in the nature of pass-through income or others," said Ghose.

Residential status

If you travel out of the country frequently, you may need to provide more details. “A self-declaration on the residential status of an individual is not sufficient any more. The income-tax department now wants individuals to report the number of days spent in and outside India," said Kumar. A person is considered a tax resident if he or she is present in India for at least 182 days or more in an FY, or 60 days or more in an FY and 365 days or more during the preceding four FYs. Income is chargeable to tax in India based on an individual’s residential status.

Details for NRIs

Non-resident Indians (NRIs) are also required to file their returns in India, if they have a source of income based in India. The additional information that they are required to furnish in new ITR forms include mentioning the country of residence, taxpayers’ identification number, the number of days of stay in India in case of Indian citizen or a person of Indian origin (PIO).

“The above details will help the assessing officer seek additional information as required with respect to overseas income as and when required through exchange of information and determine whether income has escaped taxation," said Ghose.

Foreign assets

In the last few years, the government has made several amendments in the income-tax rules to gather information about foreign assets held by Indians. Taking that forward, this year’s ITR forms have several new provisions.

“Apart from foreign bank accounts, details of foreign depository accounts are also required to be reported. Details of foreign custodial accounts, foreign equity and debt held and foreign cash value insurance contract details have to be reported separately in the tax return forms," said Ghose.

Non-disclosure or inadequate disclosure of such information can land you in trouble, so make sure you disclose all the details required.

Other changes

There are various other changes being introduced in the ITR forms. If you have made any donation to charitable institutions, you will have to disclose the amount of such donations made in cash and other modes separately. Senior citizens having interest income and claiming deduction under Section 80TTB have to report it in the space provided.

Those with agriculture income above Rs5 lakh need to mention details such as district name with PIN code, measurement of the land, whether the land is owned or leased and whether it is irrigated or rain-fed and so on.

Though income-tax assessees will have to divulge more information while filing the ITR this year, many experts believe that it will reduce queries or scrutiny by the income-tax department.

Monday, April 15, 2019


In surprise move Dinesh Kartick included in India's squad for upcoming world cup.

Squad is as follows:

Virat Kohli (Captain)
Rohit Sharma
Shikhar Dhawan
KL Rahul
Kedar Jadhav

Wicket Keeper
MS Dhoni
Dinesh Kartick

All Rounder
Hardik Pandya
Vijay Shankar

Ravindra Jadeja
Kuldeep Yadav
Y Chahal

J Bumrah
Md Shami
Bhubanesvar Kumar

Sunday, April 14, 2019

How to Stop People from adding you in Whatsapp Group

Today we are talking about Whatsapp Groups. Just like me and you, most of us receiving lame jokes, fake news, good morning messages, irritating videos in these groups.

To save us from this Whatsapp now has a feature where you can stop people from adding you to unwanted groups.

Here are the steps one should follow to stop people from adding you to unwanted groups:

1. Open Whatsapp on your smartphone

2. Go to settings tab and click on accounts tab.

3. Once you are in the accounts section, click on privacy.

4. Tap on groups

5. Here you will see 3 options.. " Everyone", "My Contacts" and "Nobody"

6. Depending upon who you actually want to be added by, chose an option.

Remember, if you choose "Nobody", then the group admins will have ability to send you a private invitation to join the group.

So, these simple steps will surely help you in stopping endless messages from unwanted groups.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


Darjeeling conjures visions of snow peaks, serenity of vibrant green hills steeped in splendour, a land of breath-taking beauty crowned by the majestic Himalayas. Darjeeling is one of the most magnificent hill resorts in the world. This heavenly retreat is bathed in hues of every shade. Flaming red rhododendrons, sparkling white magnolias, miles of undulating hillsides covered with emerald green tea bushes, the exotic forests of silver fir - all under the blanket of a brilliant azure sky dappled with specks of clouds, compellingly confounds Darjeeling as the QUEEN OF HILL STATIONS. The crest of Kanchenjunga shining in the first dawn light truly supports the title.

Darjeeling beckons thousands today for a leisurely respite from the bustle of the madding crowd. The traveller - whether a tourist or a trekker, an ornithologist or a photographer, a botanist or an artist - will find in Darjeeling an experience which will remain etched in one's memory - forever.

Art & Culture

The culture of Darjeeling is quite diverse. Apart from the major religious festivals like Diwali, Christmas, Dussera, Holi, Ram Navami etc., the diverse ethnic populace of the town also celebrates several local festivals. The Tibetan ethnic groups like the Lepchas, Bhutias, Gurungs and Tamangs celebrate New Year, also called Losar, in January/February. Other festivals like Maghe Sankranti, Chotrul Duchen, Buddha Jayanti, and Tendong Lho Rumfaat, to name a few, provide the "regional distinctness" of Darjeeling's local culture from the rest of India. Darjeeling Carnival, initiated by a civil society movement known as "The Darjeeling Initiative", is a ten-day carnival held every year during winter that especially portrays the rich musical and cultural heritage of Darjeeling Hills as its central theme.


Festivals and events in Darjeeling are reflections of the diverse Indian culture and tradition that has developed through ages. Since it is the homeland of many different religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and to an extent Christianity at the same time, many festivals take place throughout the year.

The Tibetans, who constitutes a major part of the population, celebrate the Losar Festival in Darjeeling with great flare and festivity. The end of January marks the end of the Tibetan Year. To avert the negativity of the old year, most of the monasteries in the area have Cham (Tibetan Dance) during this time of the year. Losar Festival in Darjeeling usually falls in the month of February. It is an important festival in the Tibetan calendar year and its celebration continues for a week. The youthful Tibetans celebrate it with great enthusiasm and spirit. The youth take to the streets performing the traditional Yak dance dressed in multi coloured clothes. They walk down the street singing and dancing with sacred folklores that fill the air making the atmosphere electrifying.


To promote the Samsing-Jaldhaka area in the foothills of the Bhutan Himalaya under Darjeeling hills as a major orange-growing landscape, the Orange Festival takes place every year. This festival is organized mainly to promote community based tourism, ecological conservation, Indo-Bhutan friendship and peace.


The White Water Rafting on the river Teesta and Rangeet (Triveni), the scenic beauty of the banks, surrounding hills, its flora and fauna and sighting of several varieties of fishes is simply enchanting. A river trip is often an adventure. An amateur with a little sense of adventure can equally enjoy it.


Trekking in the Darjeeling Hills began almost a century ago. In fact, the first organised trekking route in India was setup here along the Singalila range. The trek begins in Darjeeling and proceeds through Maneybhanjan, Tonglu, Sandakphu and ends in Phalut.

There are trekker huts under the management of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council Tourism Department all along the route to Sandakphu. For further information contact Tourist Bureau, Darjeeling.


Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR), popularly known as the 'Toy Train' is one of the main attractions of the region. The track on which the train runs is only 600 millimeters wide. The size of the train is commensurate giving it the name 'Toy Train'. Narrow Gauge trains are used in parts of India to travel to hill stations. The most magnificent train journeys through the narrow gauge are the gorgeous terrain. UNESCO has declared the DHR as a World Heritage Site.

Nearest Station: New Jalpaiguri

Nearest Airport: Bagdogra

Best time to VisitOctober to March: October is when the monsoon season ends and a slight chill is observed in the weather. Winter season begins in full swing and it is during the months of mid-November to January, when the average temperature ranges between 7 and 5 degree Celsius. Snowfall is rarely seen in Darjeeling.

कोरोनावायरस के खिलाफ अपने प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को बढ़ावा देना: संक्रमण के जोखिम को कम कैसे करें?

विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन द्वारा कोविद - 19 या कोरोनवायरस को वैश्विक महामारी घोषित किया गया था।  और जब देश आसन्न खतरों से जूझ रहे है...